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All About Manifestation


With the Law of Attraction Course

Law of Attraction Course


Are you overwhelmed by all the information about LoA on the internet?​


If yes, then this is the perfect beginners' course about the Law of Attraction for you! You might think that the Law of Attraction doesn't work for you but I have one whole module to tell you why it might not be working for you

What is Included?

✨Module 1: What is the Law of Attraction?



  • The Law of Attraction Formula

  • 12 Laws of Universe

  • Basics of LoA

  • Myths about LoA

  • Science Experiment


✨Module 2: How to test it/ Developing faith



  • How to ask for a sign?

  • How to manifest?

  • How to manifest via intention setting?

  • Door Technique


✨Module 3: Why you are not manifesting what you desire?



  • Reasons why you are not manifesting your desires

  • The Not-To-Do List

  • 12 Journaling Prompts


✨Module 4: How to manifest w/ ease?



  • 12 Manifestation Techniques

  • 7 Laws of Attraction 

  • Next steps

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