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Aug 9, 20213 min read
5 Types of Journal You Need to Try Out
5 different types of journal to try out when you are feeling bored with your regular idea journal. Bullet journal, food journal, etc.

Aug 9, 20213 min read
What is the difference b/w Scripting & Journaling?
The difference between journaling and scripting is that journaling is a way of expression. Whereas scripting is a method od manifestation.

Aug 9, 20212 min read
Instant Guide To Angel Numbers
Have you recently been seeing repeating numbers everywhere? Like whenever you look at the time, it’s 11.11 or 3.33, and so on? Or you...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
Feng Shui Color Guide: Simplified
There are so many resources on the internet telling you about the colours of Feng Shui. This abundant information can leave you feeling...

Aug 9, 20213 min read
The Ultimate Self – Care Toolkit for Powerful Transformation
In this time of self-isolation, people are feeling lonelier than ever. They can’t help but notice the things they had been running away...

Aug 9, 20214 min read
All you need to know about Feng Shui to change your life!
Feng Shui is the art through which you harness the energy to manifest your desires. It is also referred to as the Earth Luck. It is based...

Aug 9, 20213 min read
Reasons why Law of Attraction is not working and how to make it!
People try to manifest huge things into their life using the Law of Attraction but then when they do not get them, they trash it down and...

Aug 9, 20213 min read
The two ultimate tips to become rich quickly!
Robert T. Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad said that ‘Rich do not work for money. Money works for them.’ This is absolutely true...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
The amazing magic of “We were on a break!”
Do you feel at times that everything is falling apart and nothing lifts you up anymore? Most of the college students and the employees...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
How to make your relationship work?
Along with love, trust and passion, communication is a necessity in relationships. Thomas Bilyeu, an American entrepreneur, says that...

Aug 9, 20213 min read
How to deal with Jealousy and fear?
There will be many times that you will feel doubt, fear and jealousy. You will be irritated by the success of others. Just because you...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
4 Daily Activities That One Should Do To Keep Oneself Motivated
Self-motivation is the best kind of motivation. It is also that type which comes once in a blue moon. There are a few things that one can...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
Top 5 Tips to cure Depression!
Depression does not refer to feeling sad. The word depressed is being used very lightly. Teens these days fail to understand the deeper...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
What is the point in living when you are not happy overall?
What is the point of drinking water if you are not thirsty overall? Life is not supposed to be all merry. If you have ever read a book,...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
How can I be Happy?
Happiness is created from within. Heard this a couple of times right? But what Does this actually mean? Can you create happiness just by...

Aug 9, 20213 min read
Top 7 Life Changing Self Help Books to Read
Usually, when someone searches for self-help books to read, they are given numerous books which belong to the same genre focusing on...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
Evening Routine
A good morning routine needs an amazing bedtime routine as well. there are a few people who stress how important it is to have a...

Aug 9, 20211 min read
Morning Routine
The 5 a.m. club – MORNING ROUTINE We all know how much stress people lay in having a morning routine. But what is it actually that is to...

Aug 9, 20212 min read
How to Achieve Anything?
People think that to achieve something, you need to know some secret recipe for success. Also, it is perceived that this secret recipe is...

Aug 9, 20205 min read
5 Self Care Rituals to do on Days You Don't Feel Good
Know that taking a day off just to care for yourself won't make you selfish. It will only help you to rejuvenate. Here are 5 rituals for you
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